CEO/Co-Founder Chan Sun Park, Ph.D.

“혁신신약개발”이라는 원대한 꿈을 ‘티씨노’와 함께 일궈보려 합니다.  

Together with Txinno Bioscience, we are intended to achieve
a grand vision of developing new innovative medicines.

CTO/Co-Founder Sungjoon Kim, Ph.D.

타겟과 제반기술에 대한 깊이 있는 과학적 이해를 바탕으로 혁신적인 신약개발에
전념하는 글로벌기업으로 발전하고자 합니다.

Based on deep scientific understanding of targets and technologies,
we aim to grow into a global company dedicated to develop new innovative medicines.

CSO/Managing director Hyouk Woo Lee, Ph.D.

치료에 혁신을 더하는 신약개발을 통해 환자에게 새로운 희망과 삶을 제공하고자 합니다.

By developing novel drug treatments with innovation, we are committed to provide both new hope and better life to patients.

CBO/Managing director Yong-yea Park, Ph.D.

환자의 더 나은 내일을 위해, ‘티씨노’는 매일 발전하는 오늘에 집중하겠습니다.

Toward a better tomorrow for patients, Txinno Bioscience will always focus on improving today.

CFO/Managing director Ki Tae Lim

세상에 없는 혁신적인 신약개발, 암정복의 꿈을 향해 신약개발 전문기업 ‘티씨노’가 앞장섭니다.

By developing unprecedent and innovative new drugs, Txinno, a dedicated company developing novel drug, will take the lead to realize the dream of conquering cancer.

Biology Team leader/Director Eun myong Lee, Ph.D.

더 건강한 미래를 위한 혁신신약개발에 ‘티씨노’가 끊임없는 연구를 통하여 함께 하겠습니다.

To develop an innovative medicine for a healthier future, Txinno Bioscience will continue to conduct research

Preclinacal Team leader/Director Eun-young Kwak, Ph.D.

‘티씨노’의 혁신신약개발을 통해 희망이 있는 환자의 삶을 선사하고자 합니다.

Our dream is to make life of patients to be with full of hope by developing novel and innovative medicine at Txinno Bioscience.

Clincal Team leader/Director Cho hee Park

환자의 삶을 변화시키는 혁신신약 개발에 '티씨노'가 새로운 페이지를 열겠습니다.

With innovative medicine, TXINNO Bioscience is turning the page to transform patients' lives.

    Research Division

  • Chemistry teamPassionate and never give up

    We are dedicated to develop innovative new medicines that can heal body and mind of patients and their families.

  • Biology teamMake tomorrow better by us

    We are developing new medicine with warm-hearted devotion for patients and their families.

  • ADME teamBig idea with warm heart

    We are developing innovative new medicines with an open mind, visualizing a hopeful future for patients and their families.

  • Pharmacology teamWith mind of loving and caring all life

    We are developing innovative anti-cancer drug that are safe and beneficial to all cancer patients.

    Development Division

  • Preclinical teamDetermined to develop safe cancer medicines

    We are developing novel medicines restoring a normal life of cancer patients and their family.

  • Clinical teamFor the benefit of cancer patients

    We are intended to conduct clinical trials that reduce the side effects of anticancer drugs and maximize their efficacy.

    Management Planning Division

  • Financial Planning teamA challenge towards global biotech

    We are preparing and planning for the future to propel Txinno into a global company.

  • HR/GA teamFor a better day than last one

    We are building a horizontal company culture in which everyone is happy and fulfilling based on mutual trust and open communication.

    Business Strategy Division

  • Business Strategy DivisionFor successful drug
    development “Business”

    We are committed to enhancing corporate value by developing market-competitive anti-cancer treatments.